Celebrate Mother’s Day with Meaningful Moments at Rye House

Did you know that Mother’s Day has origins from the Civil War? Originally started as a group for mothers of both Union and Confederate soldiers to promote reconciliation. The holiday was created to promote peace and unity. This year, let’s keep the original Mother’s Day spirit alive by ensuring your mom spends the day in peace.
There are so many ways to make sure your Mom has a peaceful Mother’s Day. They all depend on your mother’s personality and what she likes. From a spa day or breakfast in bed or a hand-made card, you know her the best!
One of the most peaceful and calm experiences for Mother’s Day would be a day at the spa. Many local spas even offer special Mother’s Day discounts! Find a local spot and plan a relaxing experience for the mom in your life.
Mother’s Day can also be just as special, if not more, when homemade! Give your mother the most special day right at Rye House! Make her breakfast in bed, make sure the chores are done, and craft handmade cards to make her feel like a queen.
Keep in mind that this holiday isn’t only for your own mother. You can celebrate Mother’s Day for your grandmother, aunt, children’s mom, or whoever is the maternal figure in your life. Rye House is sure she will appreciate the celebration!